Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Was the Post-1967 Settler Movement a Continuation of the Founding Essay

Was the Post-1967 Settler Movement a Continuation of the Founding Zionist project, or an Independent Development - Essay Example With Israel emerging as the victor from the war, territories expanded in areas such as Gaza, west bank, east Jerusalem and the Golan heights. This was in contrary to Arab predictions before the war that Israel would face extinction. The country was now stable to attack its enemies as well as protect its territories from attacks. The win was not taken easily by the religious Zion’s who termed the win as mere miraculous attempt by Israel. Instead of giving credit where it is due, Zionists used divine proof in their favor and praised themselves from the historical achievements in the past occurrences. In the process of trying to confer the new terms of Israel, the religions Zion got transformed into a system, which incorporated nationalism. At the same time, they got the limelight in the center stage showing their power through the secular enterprises. After same war settler, movement arose a move, which got incorporated to fight for the displaced in the society. They used makesh ift tents same as those used by the Zionists in the 1930s in a bid to escape from mandatory and forceful power of the Palestinian nationalism1. Many questions, therefore, have arisen as to the source of the settler movement due to the many things that the movement shares with the Zionists. Consequently, the patrons and leaders of the settler movements got identified as leaders from the Zion society, a factor that leaves beyond doubt that settler movement was a product of the Zionists. It is from this perspective that I tend to defend the fact that all the basic similarities found between the settler and Zionists was not coincidental2. Settler movement is, therefore, a product of the Zionists as proven by the following subsidiary points. To start, the settler movement main agenda was, to provide settlement for displaced persons from the war. In addition, it engrossed the nationalists’ impulse, which included mixing religious ideologies such as biblical â€Å"Eretz Israel† rhythm. This was a perquisite of the religious redemption of the Christians by the time a move, which aimed at providing sustainable housing as well as settlement for the displaced persons from the six-day strenuous war. From a close analysis of its agendas, settler movement show sighs of shared ideas. This is because some of the settlement ideologies can be traced back to Zionists thinkers like Abraham Isaac Kook who was the first chief of the rabbi pre-state period3. From this perspective settler, movement formulated after the 1967 war gets viewed as a product of the Zionists, as they could not formulate their own ideologies, but took the ideologies from the Zionists movements. Subsequently, it leaves certainty beyond any doubt that the religious legitimacy that prevailed in the settler movement was a product of the Zionists. This, therefore, proves that fact that settler movement erupted from the Zionists. The Zionists made use of secular elements and instruments in the proces s of reestablishing the land of Israel and motivation of Jewish renaissance. According to Kook, one of the founders of Zionist movements, the move aimed at restoring the civilization match in the people of Israel. Consequently, it geared towards ensuring moral progress and in turn creating a modal society where everybody had transformation. Notably the dream of the Zionists was to transform the whole Israel community and create a barrier from the past in terms of development and emergence. A close observation of the settler mo

Monday, October 28, 2019

Brain Development Essay Example for Free

Brain Development Essay At birth there are about 100 billion brain cells produced and they are beginning to connect with each other. At the first week of age, brain development starts with conception. It is important to reach the age of an infant and practice the ten principals. In the early years, young brains produce almost twice as many synapses as they will need. By age two, the number of synapses a toddler has is similar to that of an adult. By three the child has twice as many synapses as an adult. The infant brain develops through the interaction with the world around, especially the interaction with adults. At the first few months, an infant cannot response to praise or punishment. Emerging research on brain development indicates that the degree for responsive care giving that children receive as infants and toddlers positively affects the connections between neurons in the brain (Brain Cells), and the architecture of the brain itself. The first three years of life are the period of growth in all areas of a baby’s development. Consistent, responsive relationships enable infants and toddlers to develop secure attachments. Infants and Toddlers develop knowing and understanding by perceiving experiences directly with the senses. For infants to acquire the ability to comprehend this sensory information they must b able to distinguish between the familiar and the unknown; later they will begin to consider, to formulate, and to form mental images in this process of experiencing and clarifying the environment. Infants begin by exploring the world with their bodies. They internalize what they take in through their senses and display it in their physical movements. Infants gather vital information through such simple acts as mouthing, grasping, and reaching. The knowing process also involves language abilities. As young children use their senses to experience the world, they need labels to categorize and remember these experiences. By creating these labels, children increase their ability to communicate and begin to control their own behavior. These expanded abilities give young children additional opportunities to understand the world (Infant, Toddlers, and Caregiver Ninth Edition). Recent brain research supports the goal of building a total person instead of concentrating on cognitive development alone. Providing a rich environment with interesting things to do is desirable and stimulates cognitive development. But that does not work without working on physical, social, and emotional development at the same time. What make differences are the day-to-day living, the relationships, the experiences, the diapering, the feedings, the toilet training, and the free play and exploration that contribute to intellectual development. Early experiences matter, and shape brain architecture. Advances in brain research have provided great insight into how young children’s experiences have profound impact on genetic predispositions and thereby share the processes that determine whether their brains will have adaptations or maladaptations for later learning, memory, reasoning, executive functioning, expressing a full range of positive and negative emotions, socialization, behavior control and lifelong health. The thrust of this element is to close the gap between what we have learned and what we do with infants and toddlers. Experiences that prepare the developing brain to function optimally include having warm, nurturing, attentive social interactions and conscientiously buffering young children from the adverse impact of toxic stress. Lack of these kinds of experiences can have devastating, long-term effects on brain development including cognitive functioning and social-emotional competencies. For example, unpredictable or chaotic routines or lack of consistent caregivers may jeopardize children’s foundation for identity development or self regulation, or few language experiences, toys, and opportunities to explore impede the development of neural connections and pathways that facilitate learning (Essential elements of Quality-Infant-toddler Program). To deliver high quality care giving, adults need to understand and recognize key developmental processes that help them understand and support infants and toddlers. Since this essential element explicitly identifies knowledge about key developmental processes threats to them as a factor in quality infant-toddler program, three terms are defined as important pieces of a wider knowledge base about brain development that informs practice: serve and return, executive functioning and toxic stress. Serve and return is the interaction between young children and their parents and caregiver is a key to healthy brain development. It helps to create neural connections that build later cognitive and emotional skills. Executive functioning represents the cognitive skills that enable a child to focus on, hold, and think about information, filter distractions; and divert their attention to something new. The foundation for executive functioning is laid in infancy and is facilitated through early experiences. Acquiring the early building blocks of (executive functioning) skills is one of the most important and challenging tasks of the early childhood years. Toxic stress is defined as strong, frequent, and/or prolonged adversity without adequate adult support. Toxic stress disrupts brain development. While some experience with manageable stress is important for healthy development, prolonged, uninterrupted, overwhelming stress; toxic stress without the buffering relationships a child needs, can result in damaged, weakened systems and brain architecture that can have negative long-term effect (Essential Elements of Quality-Infant-Toddler Program). Environments make a difference in brain development. Environments that provide proper nutrition and regularly scheduled periods of sleep and physical activity consistently promote warm, nurturing, attentive social interaction; and conscientiously buffer young children from the adverse impacts of toxic stress. Lack of adequate nutrition, physical activity, appropriate sensory stimulation or social-emotional developmental experiences disrupt brain architecture and can have a decisively negative Impact on future development (Essential Elements of Quality-Infant-Toddler Program). Finding about the impact of early experiences on brain development highlight the importance of intervening early with highly stressed infants and toddlers and their families. Infants and children who are rarely spoken to, who are exposed to few toys, and who have little opportunity to explore and experiment with their environment may fail to fully develop the neural connections and path ways that facilitate later learning. Despite their normal genetic endowment, these children are at a significant intellectual disadvantage and are likely to require costly special education or other remedial services when they enter school. Fortunately, intervention programs that start working with children and their families at birth or even prenatally can help prevent this tragic loss of potential. While high-quality infant and toddler programs are not necessarily intervention programs. When caregiver and parenting practices are grounded in knowledge of early brain development, caregivers and parents are much more effective in providing experiences that facilitate optimal development including strong brain architecture (Essential element of Quality-Infant-Toddler Program).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Love Those Lips, But Those Lips Belong to Another :: Personal Narrative, essay about myself

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recently I came across two arches. They were alive and in constant motion. First they told me life might get interesting. Then they showed me that life was going to get really good. Then after leaving me with an odd sense of power, they said bye, now life is sad. Its movements resembled that of a shape-shifter: causing the creation of circles, ellipses, and a mixture of feelings. These were the actions of a pair of lips belonging to a vision of beauty.    When I first saw them they were in their top form. They gave me a smile. The execution of the smile forced the bottom arch to push from the top corners upwards on to the upper arch. Consequentially, they caused my lips to do the same. The intensity was light but was still able to cause the words "nice to meet you" to float into my mind and back into hers. The smile, though light, wasn't like the ones that are often in response to a frivolous or corny joke, accompanied by a lack of energy. It was a creation of a divine entity: maybe God, maybe a god, or maybe a master painter. They were almost frozen together, the lower mimicking the slow rise of the upper one, gaining strength from the power of my stare. The smile became larger. Was I the only one who noticed?    It was musical and soothing. The smile was her rhythmic way of singing "Smile, darn ya smile"i. There could be nothing more uplifting than Sammy Davis Jr. telling you the " is a great world after all..." with his foot tapping action in the background. I guess she did not mean this world because her smile was causing my temporary lapse into another. This was how she planned to make my " worth while." She, like Sammy, knew that there was a great attachment between the smile and joy. That smile was going to tell the world that nothing could hold you back, the world would halt just to admire the stride of confidence. That smile knew a lot. It was able to impart a wonderful concept without any words or any movements. Now rich with new knowledge I realized that she could have given me no greater gift.    I was amazed by the dynamic evolution of the arches in what seemed to be hours.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Humanities Today Essay

The academic discipline known as humanities is the study of how man interprets the world around him. The study of humanities has been around since mankind began investigating and questioning the world they lived in. According to the article â€Å"What are the Humanities?†(2000), when the National Endowment for the Humanities was established in 1964, Congress created the following definition of humanities which included the study of:history; literature; philosophy and ethics; foreign languages and cultures; linguistics; jurisprudence or philosophy of law; archeology; comparative religion; the history, theory, and criticism of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences. In this definition the key point for distinguishing humanities from other modes of human inquiry is the fact that humanities are based on historical and expressive interpretation rather than theory and logic. Humanities inquire about the human’s interpretation of his or her surroundings. The inquiries come from the general population or an individual’s own expression of human reaction to historical events and the way that it is expressed through art, science, politics, literature, music, architecture, and religion. Other modes of human inquiry are based off of proven facts and scientific theories. A person’s interpretation has little to do with science (What are the Humanities, 2000). ArtOne of the more controversial ways that the arts have been affected by modern humanities is the showcasing of human bodies as art. An exhibition called Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS: The Original Exhibition of Real Human Bodies is now touring the United States. This exhibition displays human bodies that have been plasticized, doing various normal human activities. Some displays have cadavers in the middle of making a shot in basketball, while others displays a family sitting around a kitchen table. In this day of rapid technological advances, it is sometimes hard to distinguish pure art from criminal activity. At fist glance most people are amazed to see that technology has allowed a concept like this to be possible. Many people feel that there is much to be learned about the human body through this display of art. On the other hand many people are outraged by the exhibit calling it a denigration of the human spirit. Others have  called it a criminal act. The companies that process these human bodies are currently being investigated by the U.S. government. Many fingers have been pointed at China for having a black market for cadavers. No one knows for sure how the companies even come across so many cadavers and if the person’s permission was given. One thing is for sure that this form of â€Å"art† represents the mind set of the world today. This tiny fraction of the art world represents the change in religious beliefs, technology, and artistic expression today (Cattani, 2008). MusicMusic is definitely an area that changes through the attitudes and expression of past generations, especially in the African-American community. During the time of slavery music was a way for slaves to capture some of the heritage that was so violently taken away from them. Similar to musicians today, one of the way slaves used music was as a way to express the way they felt about the environment around them. Many songs from those days represented oppression and sorrow. Some other songs represented times of joy or the hope of overcoming oppression. Slaves also used music for celebration, communication, and mourning (Slave Songs, n.d.). Today’s African-American community still uses music in some of the same ways. Times have changed. Slavery has been abolished but from slavery there arose racial separatism, feelings of hate between the races, and distrust of Caucasians by other races. This is where the harshness and intentionally angry voice of â€Å"gangsta rap† is derived. This genre of music is an outlet for young African American males to voice the inequality and unjust behaviors that they feel from society. ArchitectureFrank Lloyd Wright is one the foremost fathers of modern American architecture. He believed that past methods for architecture were relied too heavily. Wright made it a point to reject the 19th century European architecture that people were used to. His style was attributed to the blocks he played with as a child and from modern Japanese architecture. Since the world was going through a new industrial period, Wright felt is was necessary to include materials that emphasized the world around him. He began to use materials such as steel and glass in his architecture. Open  floor plans with few walls separating rooms were also a turn from traditional architecture (Modern Architecture, 2007). PhilosophyOne of the noted pioneers of modern philosophy is John Dewey. Among other branches of philosophy, Dewey was relentless on the subject of experimental education. Dewey believed that the current method of education was more concerned with feeding children information rather then learning from the child’s experiences. Dewey believed that it is the educator’s responsibility to facilitate learning in a way which accounts for each student’s uniqueness. Today, many school philosophies are still based on Dewey’s theory of experience (Neill, 2005). LiteratureThe information age has had a lasting effect on modern literature. Through T.V., the internet, and the media information is capable of being exchanged over long distances in a very short period of time. Mankind has shown a hunger for information in modern years. In the 21st century literature related to true events have become very popular. Because of this, the status of celebrities has somewhat fallen. The people who used to be held as iconic figures have become as human as everyone else today. Instead of the imaginative fiction literary works that used to be the norm, today autobiographies and tabloid magazines are flying off the shelves. The situation only reflects the information driven society from which it comes. The study of humanities is an ever changing journey. Humanities will changes with the questions and expression about every generation to come. Humanities are unique in that a quest for the purpose and meaning of the human life is being sought. As time goes on, the study of humanities will be become broader, taking with it all the questions of yesterday. References Cattani, T. (2008). Human cadavers on display†¦as an attraction?. Retrieved February 22, 2008,from Living Lake Country Web site: Architecture, (2007). Retrieved February 22, 2008, from Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia Web site:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Memorable and Striking Essay

How Charles Dickens Creates Characters That Are Both Memorable and Striking  One of Charles Dickens’ greatest strengths is his ability to create characters that are both believable and memorable. Dickens appealed to all classes of society: to intellectuals and simple folk alike. In ‘Great Expectations’, which was published as a weekly serial, examples of his strengths fill the novel, and this is perhaps why ‘Great Expectations’ has remained as popular now as it was when it was first written. It was not until 1823 that Charles and his family moved to London from Portsmouth. Up until this time he had a happy family life and was doing well at school, already he was a great reader. However life in London was very different, the family had no money, Dickens could not go to school and his father was imprisoned for debt. At the age of eleven he had to work in a shoe-blacking factory and this left a long lasting impression. This experience was relatively short-lived, the family situation improved and he was able to return back to school from there to working in a lawyers office, teaching himself shorthand. By the age of twenty he had become an established newspaper reporter and started to write short stories in his spare time as well as directing and acting in amateur dramatics. Even by his mid twenty’s Dickens’ ability to absorb and portray information was remarkable. Partly due to his tremendous literacy knowledge (for example he read Defoe, Fielding when he was very young) and also as a result of his employment (he frequently reported on Parliament for example) he was able to use his detailed knowledge of London life and people in his writing.  In this essay I intend to discuss the characters of Pip, Joe Gargery, Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch, because I think these four between them demonstrate Dickens’s expertise at blending character, plot and setting within the novel. One of the techniques that Dickens uses is first person narrative. The book is written from the point of view of Pip who narrates using personal pronouns such as ‘me’ and ‘I’. This technique is effective because it shows the viewpoint of a character (namely Pip) who is able to use personal details and clearly describes surroundings.  Pip is the person on whom the whole novel revolves; the novel starts and ends with Pip. The dictionary’s definition of a pip is ‘ a small hard seed of an apple, pear or orange’. This is relevant to Pip in a way because he is a person who should develop or grow from a ‘small bundle of shivers.’ However, his circumstances at the beginning of the novel give us the impression that this will not allow him to develop. During Pip’s early childhood, he is unjustly suppressed and bullied by his sister, and to a lesser degree, by Pumblechook at the Christmas dinner and the rest of the village.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You would have been disposed of for many shillings†¦and Dunstable the butcher would have come up to you as you lay in your straw,†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You come along and be dosed.†Ã‚  Pip is regularly fed tar water for any simple wrongdoing by his sister who also chastises him regularly with the ironically named ‘Tickler’. Although Pip has the friendship of his brother-in law Joe, this is not enough to stop him developing into a timid, undernourished yet sensitive child. Pip next has pressure put upon him when he goes to Satis House and has his first encounter with Estella and Miss Havisham. Pip’s overwhelming love for Estella and his change in attitude and behaviour towards others hide the real values of life. He becomes ungrateful to Joe and from time to time, his conscience tells him he has behaved badly but finds it difficult to change. It is quite easy to criticise Pip for his change of feeling towards his life long friend Joe, but we must understand that he has been deeply affected by the bullying which he had suffered in his early years at the hands of his dominating sister, as well as his need to improve his life-style. Pip is also rather gullible, we can see this in his encounter with the convict – he really believes that the convict namely Magwitch will tear his liver out; this is because of the atmosphere of death in the graveyard. Also the way that Magwitch speaks in his rough and raspy voice.  When Pip meets Estella, he is taken in by her charms. For the first time he becomes aware of the social differences and background between them. This makes him feel dissatisfied with his life, he feels ashamed of his home, of his ‘coarse hands’ and ‘thick boots’ and the first realisation that life could be better enters his mind. Unfortunately Pip becomes rather distant from his peers and when he finds out he is to come into fortune (his ‘Great Expectations’), he is quick to drop his childhood friends and family in case they embarrass him. Although sometimes he feels guilty about this, he still acts this way. Moving to London and meeting Herbert Pocket again inspires Pip to be more like him, a young gentleman.  However, Pip leaves behind one of the only true gentlemen in the novel Joe Gargery is a blacksmith who is married to Pip’s sister.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A giant of a man, with fair hair curly hair and mild blue eyes.†Ã‚  Joe is an honest, kind and simple man who becomes a father figure to Pip. Throughout the novel he is one of, the few characters who does not really change. Joe shows the dignity and strength of a gentleman as he is still loyal to Pip, despite Pip’s neglect of Joe. He is able to accept his wife’s harsh personality without showing his true feelings and he finds it difficult to stand up to her strong will. Although partly educated, he is always willing to learn, and is very proud at Pip’s good fortune, and is happy to stay in the background whilst Pip is in London receiving his training to ‘become a gentleman’. Miss Havisham is a bitter old woman whose heart and mind are as decaying as the house in which she lives. When Pip first meets Miss Havisham ‘†¦the strangest lady I have ever seen†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ she is wearing ancient yellowed bridal clothes and he notices that everything in the room is gloomy, faded and old. All the clocks and her watch have stopped at eight forty am. ‘I saw that the bride within the bridal dress had withered like the dress†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on IQ Test

The task of trying to quantify a person’s intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person’s intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person’s IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group’s intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person’s environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person’s mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyone’s body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person’s intelligence. It is obvious that a person’s intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, conversa... Free Essays on IQ Test Free Essays on IQ Test The task of trying to quantify a person’s intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person’s intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person’s IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group’s intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person’s environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person’s mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyone’s body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person’s intelligence. It is obvious that a person’s intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, conversa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Family and Money

Essay on Family and Money Essay on Family and Money In today's society, when a person speaks of being wealthy, they are usually referring to someone having a rather large amount of money. When you Google search "wealthiest men in the world", people such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are the top hits. But whatever happened to wealth being more than just money, but more along the lines of a loving family and caring friends? A person's wealth is not defined by the amount of money they have saved up in the bank, or how fat their wallet is. Being wealthy is when a person is blessed to have a family that loves and cares about them, with an abundance of friends who feel the same way. Wealth and happiness sort of go arm-in-arm if you think about it. People believe that if you are wealthy, you are happy, which is true depending on if your view on wealth is having a good family. If you really sat down and thought about it, the majority of people's main goal in life is to accumulate as much money as they can in their relatively short existence to be able to provide for their families and to be happy. Money is the key to everything such as, that new, fancy, do-it-all car they "have to have", the newest, fastest phone, it all costs money, yet what personal value does it have? They are just objects of which you waste countless hours of your life occupying yourself with. Heck, some see money as a way to get them a wife, which, sadly, is true these days, as young women go around looking for rich old men to marry, they're only reason being that they will receive the old man's fortune once he passes. People seem to think that the more money they have, the more fun they'll have in life, and the more of a chance they have of being remembered. However, who will possess and pass down all those memories of you and your life to future generations? Family or money? Last time I checked, money could not speak. So what will be more useful as you near the end of your life, money or a compassionate family? When the game of life begins the final home stretch, memory begins to fade, aches and pains are newly discovered every morning as it takes multiple frustrating attempts to climb out of bed, and everything just seems to be going wrong, the support and compassion of your wealth of family and friends is the only antidote. I read a book, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, in which the main character, Amir, is born into a rich family. His father is a highly respected man in the Afghan society and money flows into their household. With this abundance of money, Amir has the ability to buy pretty much anything his little heart desires, yet he is still incredibly unhappy. His mother died when he was born, for the most part his father views him as a disappointment, and the rest of his family does not appreciate him. The only time he is truly happy is when he becomes truly wealthy, when he and his father move to America. Upon arriving in the United States, Amir and his father were completely broke. As Amir was more of a grow n up now, his father began to respect him and treat him as an equal. He began to show compassion toward Amir and their relationship grew. They immediately began to work in order to support themselves as best they could in their economic situation. They lived in a bus that they also drove around during the day to flea markets to buy items they could then go sell. At one particular flea market Amir meets a woman whom he ends up marrying. When Amir marries this particular woman, he has almost no money, but his wife

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Best Character Analysis George Wilson - The Great Gatsby

Best Character Analysis George Wilson - The Great Gatsby SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you think about The Great Gatsby’s major characters, George Wilson is often the last to come to mind. Compared to his voluptuous wife, Myrtle, Tom, Daisy, Jordan, and, of course, the titular Gatsby himself, pale-faced, shrinking, passive George can almost escape your memory – and perhaps he entirely would if he didn’t turn out to be one of the novel’s most crucial characters. George has the least â€Å"page time† of the seven major characters, but is important because of the crucial role he plays in the novel’s conclusion. Because of this, we don’t know quite as much about George’s personality, motivations, or characteristics as we do about other characters. This guide goes over what we do know about George and explains why he is so important. Read on to learn more about the man underneath the ash. Article Roadmap Georgeas a character Physical description George'sbackstory Actions in the novel Character Analysis Quotes about and byGeorge Tips on writing about George Common discussion topics and essay ideas Quick Note on Our Citations Our citation format in this guide is (chapter.paragraph). We're using this system since there are many editions of Gatsby, so using page numbers would only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quotation we cite via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: middle of chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search function if you're using an online or eReader version of the text. George's Physical Description First things first. What does George look like? Here is Nick’s brief description: He was a blonde, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes. (2.8) Myrtle and George, despite being married for twelveyears, are strikingly different people. While Myrtle is outgoing and vivacious, George is shy and bland – in fact, his physical description takes just a couple of sentences while Myrtle has a paragraph-long introduction. Although there is a hint of what drew Myrtle to him all those years ago, a â€Å"faint† attractiveness, Nick emphasizes George’s weighed-down, damp, "spiritless"affect. In fact, he is explicitly tied to the Valley of Ashes, the bleak industrial part of Queens where he and Myrtle live. (Check out our article about the Valley of Ashesfor more analysis on this point.) This initial description makes it clear to the reader that George is a much less active, ambitious person than his wife, setting up his resentment and the power struggle that leads to his extreme violence at the end of the novel. George's Backstory Twelve years before the novel begins, George married Myrtle wearing a borrowed suit (2.6, 8.69). They have been living above his garage in Queens for the last years. Perhaps Myrtle was drawn to him since he owned (or would soon own) his own business, or else he somehow convinced her â€Å"he was a gentleman†¦[who] knew something about breeding,† but this faà §ade breaks down quickly, and George seems resigned to his working class life. While Myrtle claims to no longer care for George, he still seems smitten with her, as evidenced by how he â€Å"hurriedly† follows her suggestions (2.17). Tom Buchanan starts doing business with George Wilson’s garage a few months before the start of the novel, even promising to sell him a car. But unbeknownst to George, Tom Buchanan patronizes the garage since he is having an affair with Myrtle. The affair is Myrtle’s first (2.7). Perhaps this is why George Wilson remains in the dark about it until the novel’s tense climax. To see how George's background fits in with the backgrounds of the other characters, check out ourGreat Gatsby timeline. George's Actions in the Novel We first meet George in Chapter 2, when Tom drops by his garage. Tom has some kind of car-related business with George, but it'snot completely clear exactly what this transaction is. None of it is spelled out, but here is what I think is happening: George is trying to buy Tom's car in order to resell it, and Tom is stringing George along by pretending to consider George's lowball offer because Tom actually is there to set up a liaisonwith Myrtle. We don’t see George again until Chapter 7, when Tom stops by the garage in Gatsby’s yellow car to get gas on the way to Manhattan. George tells Tom that he needs money because he wants to move west with his wife. By then he’s begun to suspect his wife’s affair.Georgehas actually locked Myrtle upstairs and plans to keep her there until they have the money to move (7.3). Later that day, George and Myrtle fight. We don’t get details of the fight, except a snippet that Michaelis, a nearby cafà © owner, hears as she runs out of the house: â€Å"Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward!† (7.314). At that moment, Daisy and Gatsby speed by in the yellow car. Myrtle, assuming Tom is driving, rushes out into the road â€Å"waving her hands and shouting† (3.15). Daisy runs her over without stopping, leaving Myrtle dead. In Chapter 8, George, reeling from his wife’s violent death, loses whatever faith he had in God after and decides to find the owner of the yellow car. The police assume thathe goes garage to garage asking about theyellow car until he findsJay Gatsby’s name and address (8.107).Using this information, George walks the rest of the way to Gatsby’s mansion (8.107). He shoots Gatsby, who is swimming in his pool for the first time all season. He then shoots himself, and â€Å"the holocaust was complete† (8.3). In Chapter 9, the mystery of how George found Gatsby is solved. Tom confesses that George first came to Tom’s house that night. There, Tom toldhim that the yellow car was Gatsby's and insinuated that Gatsby was the one who killed Myrtle and the one who was sleeping with her (9.143). George Wilson proves the old action movie adage: never take your eyes off the guy with the gun. George Wilson Quotes Generally he was one of these worn-out men: when he wasn't working he sat on a chair in the doorway and stared at the people and the cars that passed along the road. When any one spoke to him he invariably laughed in an agreeable, colorless way. He was his wife's man and not his own. (7.312) After our first introduction to George, Nick emphasizes George’s meekness and deference to his wife, very bluntly commenting he is not his own man. Although this comment reveals a bit of Nick’s misogyny – his comment seems to think George being his â€Å"wife’s man† as opposed to his own is his primary source of weakness – it also continues to underscore George’s devotion to Myrtle. George’s apparent weakness may make him an unlikely choice for Gatsby’s murderer, until you consider how much pent-up anxiety and anger he has about Myrtle, which culminates in his two final, violent acts: Gatsby’s murder and his own suicide. His description also continues to ground him in the Valley of Ashes. Unlike all the other main characters, who move freely between Long Island and Manhattan (or, in Myrtle’s case, between Queens and Manhattan), George stays in Queens, contributing to his stuck, passive, image. This makes his final journey, on foot, to Long Island, feel especially eerie and desperate. Some man was talking to him in a low voice and attempting from time to time to lay a hand on his shoulder, but Wilson neither heard nor saw. His eyes would drop slowly from the swinging light to the laden table by the wall and then jerk back to the light again and he gave out incessantly his high horrible call. â€Å"O, my Ga-od! O, my Ga-od! Oh, Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od!† (7.326-7) George is completely devastated by the death of his wife, to the point of being inconsolable and unaware of reality. Although we hear he treated her roughly just before this, locking her up and insisting on moving her away from the city, he is completely devastated by her loss. This sharp break with his earlier passivepersonaprefigureshis turn to violence at the end of the book. â€Å"I spoke to her,† he muttered, after a long silence. â€Å"I told her she might fool me but she couldn’t fool God. I took her to the window- â€Å" With an effort he got up and walked to the rear window and leaned with his face pressed against it, â€Å"- and I said ‘God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me but you can’t fool God!’ â€Å" Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night. â€Å"God sees everything,† repeated Wilson. â€Å"That’s an advertisement,† Michaelis assured him. Something made him turn away from the window and look back into the room. But Wilson stood there a long time, his face close to the window pane, nodding into the twilight. (8.102-105) George is looking for comfort, salvation, and order where there is nothing but an advertisement.This speaks to the moral decay of New York City, the East Coast, andeven America in general during the 1920s. It also speaks to how alone and powerless George is, and how violence becomes his only recourse to seek revenge. In this moment, the reader is forced to wonder if there is any kind of morality the characters adhere to, or if the world really is cruel and utterly without justice – and with no God except the empty eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg. Common Essay Topics/ Areas of Discussion First, we have a bit of advice for writing about poor Mr. Wilson. Since George has very little page time compared to the other main characters, you will most likely have to write about him in relation to Tom Buchanan, or in an essay that compares the strivers (George, Myrtle, Gatsby) with old money (Tom and Daisy, and even Nick and Jordan). You are less likely to have to write about George alone. Explore how to write a great compare and contrast essay about these or any other characters by reading our article! George’s most important scenes come in chapters 7 and 8, during Myrtle’s murder and its aftermath, so make sure to read and annotate those chapters carefully if you’re writing about George. Look closely at his interactions with Tom and Myrtle, and also consider how George interacts with one of the novel’s most famous symbols: the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg (he sees them as the eyes of God, while Michaelis tries to remind him it’s just an advertisement). That particular scene could fit in well to an essay about God and/or morality in the novel, since George seems to be the only one who searches for some kind of God or higher power. Why do the characters in the book who are striving to increase their social status (Gatsby, Myrtle, George) end up losing while the old money (Tom, Daisy, and Jordan) get to walk away relatively unscathed? The fates of Gatsby, Myrtle, and George connect back to the theme on the broken promise of the American Dream, as well as a critique of the class system in 1920s America. How so? Tom and Daisy get to hide behind their money while Gatsby, Myrtle, and George end up dead. Specifically, Myrtle is run over by Daisy, Gatsby is killed by George (who is manipulated by Tom), and then George kills himself. So despite both Tom and Daisy’s direct complicity in both murders, neither of them face any consequences for their bad behavior. This is a stark indictment of the class system in 1920s America, in that the rich literally play by different rules than the poor (or the up-and-coming). The fates of George, Myrtle, and Gatsby also shatter any illusions about the possibility of social climbing in this world, or even in the promise of the American Dream itself. Whether you manage to amass a fortune like Gatsby, or just aspire to a better life like George, you’re still powerless in the face of old money, privilege, and classism in the United States. This intense pessimism is supported by Nick’s returnto the Midwest at the end of the novel and the somber mood of the ending. Whydoes George fail to notice Myrtle and Tom’s affair? You might be wondering, â€Å"how on earth does George not notice his wife is cheating on him†? After all, we know that Tom is not making a big effort to hide Myrtle from his friends, going to popular restaurants with her, and even dragging Nick along with him to the apartment he’s rented for her in New York. Plus, Tom comes visits the garage and he and Myrtle barely hide their relationship. So it could seem odd that George really has no clue. However, when you consider that George has no access to Tom's social circles, and that he rarely leaves his garage, George hasno way to know what his wife is doing in New York and who she’s seeing (remember, this is an era long before cell phones and Facebook!). Furthermore, George is also super invested in doing business with Tom, so that's an incentive to subconsciously overlook whatever is going on. George’s failure to notice the affair for so long speaks to George’s complete isolation from the world of old money and, more broadly, the huge class divides in America in the 1920s. Tom and Daisy’s world is so separate from George’s that they can live whole lives that he is entirely unaware of. This stark separation becomes clear in George’s strange, sad walk to Long Island where he kills Gatsby and ends his life. For George, the class lines in society were impossible to safely cross. What’s Next? Still a bit confused by exactly how the climax of the novel plays out? Read our summaries of Chapter 7and Chapter 8for a clear play-by-play of what exactly goes down on the road between Manhattan and West Egg. Why does Myrtle cheat on George? What does she see in the bully Tom Buchanan? Read our analysis of Myrtle Wilsonto fully understand the complicated marriage between the Wilsons! Writing an essay about George Wilson? Then you should definitely read our analysis of the Valley of Ashesand the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. George is closely linked to these twosymbols, so make sure you understand them! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saypa supermarket chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Saypa supermarket chains - Essay Example Subsequently, right after about two years of supermarket experience, the chain’s management decided to extend and expand. It opened the second shop in the nearest local town of Yalova. After some while, everybody became aware of Saypa as a household name. Credited to the good management team and the effective ways of advertising, in the next ten years, fifteen supermarkets were opened around different cities. The number having reached up to thirty one (31) stores in 2009, Saypa has become the leading supermarket chain in the City of Bursa with one thousand two hundred (1,200) personnel in its workforce. Supermarket chain Saypa does not merely satisfy the shopping needs but it also provides further services such as promotional cinema and theatre vouchers, organises special events and conventions for charity. It therefore strengthens relationships with society and raises the loyalty level among its customers. Recently, it launched a new promotion package which monthly awards two couples for one week holiday around Turkey. Another reason why Saypa is so popular around the city is that it was the first company which started membership cards, discount vouchers and also saving points for patrol buyers. On the other hand, the company does take care of its employers with special discount cards, sickness payments, free transportation to work and free training programmes for the new starters. Also, the company arranges parties with dinner included twice a year for a meeting and fellowship with employees. In the event, management tries to find out if the staff and personnel have anything to s ay to ameliorate the company’s service quality. Saypa`s future plan for 2009 is to expand with new branches at Istanbul which is the most populated city in Turkey and Europe. Hence, the company aims to keep up with its rivals more, and communicate easily with the

Eisenhower's Farewell Address Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Eisenhower's Farewell Address - Essay Example The Pentagon is the headquarters of the Department of Defence. Much of the focus of the complex is on this institution as this is where the money goes and the decisions are made. This was especially true during the height of the Cold War when the U.S. faced an existential threat from the Soviet Union, and members of the complex could use fear to strengthen their arguments. These groups not only felt that America needed to spend more on the military to survive, they also wanted more money spent so that they themselves could be enriched. Many of these programs would not have been a good use of taxpayers funds. For Eisenhower, this was unacceptable. He valued a strong national defence policy, but he was concerned that defence spending was taking over and that it was eating into other programs. He knew that for America to be strong it needed both a powerful military and also the social and cultural programs that made it a beacon of freedom to the world. He believed that too much power in the hands of the military-industrial complex would have negative consequences. Work consulted Bowie, Robert R. and Richard H. Immerman. (1998). Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy. Oxford University Press.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nuclear generators Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nuclear generators - Term Paper Example According to the Nuclear Science Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: â€Å"Fusion is a nuclear process in which two light nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus. An example of a fusion reaction important in thermonuclear weapons and in future nuclear reactors is the reaction between two different hydrogen isotopes to form an isotope of helium: Fission is a nuclear process in which a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. An example of a fission reaction that was used in the first atomic bomb and is still used in nuclear reactors is: The products shown in the above equation are only one set of many possible product nuclei. Fission reactions can produce any combination of lighter nuclei so long as the number of protons and neutrons in the products sum up to those in the initial fissioning nucleus.† (LBNL, 2011) Because of the nature of the source materials involved in the fusion reaction, mainly Helium and Hydrogen, the danger of radioactivity is n on-existent compared to the fission processes involving Uranium and Plutonium, elements with long half-lives and radiation emissions. Fission reactions run on fuel rods of Uranium, yet the â€Å"spent† fuel rods which are no longer concentrated enough to maintain reactions at critical mass will have to be maintained and stored for thousands of years despite emitting radioactivity as part of the decay cycle. Because of this, nuclear fusion is still viewed as a possibility to provide unlimited, â€Å"clean† energy based on nuclear reactions similar to those occurring in the sun, while nuclear fission reactions based on Uranium and Plutonium fuel power plants across the world in practical application, but long term concerns exist about the safety of the radioactive waste materials over time as the elements continue to decay and emit harmful radiation into the environment. â€Å"Plutonium-239 is one of the two fissile materials used for the production of nuclear weapons a nd in some nuclear reactors as a source of energy. The other fissile material is uranium-235. Plutonium-239 is virtually nonexistent in nature. It is made by bombarding uranium-238 with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. Uranium-238 is present in quantity in most reactor fuel; hence plutonium-239 is continuously made in these reactors. Since plutonium-239 can itself be split by neutrons to release energy, plutonium-239 provides a portion of the energy generation in a nuclear reactor. Plutonium belongs to the class of elements called transuranic elements whose atomic number is higher than 92, the atomic number of uranium. Essentially all transuranic materials in existence are manmade. The atomic number of plutonium is 94. Plutonium has 15 isotopes with mass numbers ranging from 232 to 246. Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons in their nuclei but differ by the number of neutrons. Since the chemical characteristics of an element are governed by the number of protons in the nucleus, which equals the number of electrons when the atom is electrically neutral (the usual elemental form at room temperature), all isotopes have nearly the same chemical characteristics. This means that in most cases it is very difficult to separate isotopes from each other by chemical techniques. Only two plutonium isotopes have commercial and military applications. Plutonium-238, which is made in nuclear reactors from neptunium-237, is used to make compact

Assignment- Top Urgent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assignment- Top Urgent - Essay Example With the evolution of the club into a global enterprise, a significant proportion of the authentic supporters of Manchester United felt alienated by this novel trend towards profit maximization and corporate sponsors. The bursting coffers of Manchester United started attracting hostile takeovers by early 2005. In particular, coveting aspirations of the American investor Malcolm Glazer, least interested in football, commensurately attracted the ire of the Shareholders United, a front of small shareholders owing a sincere allegiance to the club. An impressive number of supporters even managed to float a parallel club. Eventually, Glazer managed to have his way by purchasing a majority stake in the club. The British government preferred to leave the matter to the shareholders. In this altered scenario, Glazer came out with his aggressive corporate plans. In the meantime, the Shareholders United not only swelled in following, but also managed to garner free legal representation and popul ar financial and organizational support. Glazer attempted to dilute such opposition by dedicating some funds for the upkeep of sports and the sportsmen. By June 2005, United reverted to private ownership, courtesy the loans accrued and the support of old veterans. In the existing scenario, the club seems to be the cause of rift between its businesses minded owners and its dedicated fans and small shareholders. In the post Glazer scenario, the club has undoubtedly managed to do well, going by its augmenting fan following around the world, the generation of massive revenues, bee lining sponsors and lucrative merchandizing. Therefore, for the time, the things definitely stand to be propitious for United. However, considering the immense growth potential of football as an international sport, the owners may loose to the upcoming competition from other clubs, if

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impact of Terrorism on Engineering Developments Essay

Impact of Terrorism on Engineering Developments - Essay Example The number of educated and unemployed youth roaming in the corridors of the cities of many nations has brought much havoc to the social sectors. Activities like terrorism have thrived in these circumstances, where unemployed and highly educated youth, are hired by organizations that are having some deep rooted cause for going against the common accepted ways in the society. They represent a particular group of belief which makes their action more vulnerable to the group of other people or all other people who are in the society. The accepted method for them is to unrest the activities of the civilized society by make destructions to the life and developmental activities of the government. World has faced such major social disasters, and the attack and the destruction of World Trade Center in America was the very commonly known example for this. The impact of such violent activity leads to economic crisis in banking and industrial sectors, engineering and developmental set backs in th e areas of communication and information sectors, social imbalances like unemployment, poverty, post terror trauma among women and children, etc. The term "terrorism" comes from the Latin word terrere, "to frighten" via the French word terrorisme[1]. Terrorism expert Walter liqueur in 1999 has counted over 100 definitions and concludes that the only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence [1]. Though United Nations has not yet accepted any definition of terrorism[1, 2], the UN "academic consensus definition," written by terrorism expert Alex P.Schmid and widely used social scientists, says terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby-in contrast to assassination - the direct targets of violence are not the main targets[1]. In the history there were many terrorist attack carried out by individuals, groups, states and even the governments against the key persons or groups in the same country or other countries. The re were assassinations of world leaders or ministers, public officials or even the leaders of one terrorist group by the other terrorist groups. While individual loses causes major emotional and leadership problems in some groups and countries, the attack on buildings, bridges and other infrastructures and the projects, causing national crisis in developmental process in some countries.There are different kinds of terrorist attacks which are mainly targeting people and the developmental structures in a state or country. While guns, bombs, etc. are used as common tools, biological weapons can cause massive outbreak of diseases and health problems in the society and cyber terrorism can hamper the communication and banking systems. The effect of any major terrorist attack is severe, causing the community in to despair. Lose of businesses, jobs, and life and health trauma to the close victims of incidents. Financial lose, banking and communication system crash, lose of documents and pro perty and further psychological crisis for survival, etc. are severe.Out of all the terrorist attacks in the history, the attack on World Trade Center in U.S. on September 11, 2001, has caused severe shock in the

Austerity Measures Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Austerity Measures Summary - Assignment Example At first the author perceived that she can easily cope up with such a diet. The author stated that living on the food items provided and cooking them was very difficult for her as she had stopped cooking food on her own. She states that the food she was consuming never satisfied her or the other participants and only fulfilled the need of having food. Two days later the challenge required the participants to eat at St. Anthony’s where they were provided with food comprising of heavy quantity of calories. The author states that she was quite happy having that food. The author states that an official of the Hunger Challenge told her that poverty was a major issue in San Francisco and people were actually facing poverty due to expensive cost of living. The author states that the entire experience made her realized how difficult it was to live in poverty. She concludes that organizations that are out there to help the poor are very essential and they need to be heavily supported b y the common

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact of Terrorism on Engineering Developments Essay

Impact of Terrorism on Engineering Developments - Essay Example The number of educated and unemployed youth roaming in the corridors of the cities of many nations has brought much havoc to the social sectors. Activities like terrorism have thrived in these circumstances, where unemployed and highly educated youth, are hired by organizations that are having some deep rooted cause for going against the common accepted ways in the society. They represent a particular group of belief which makes their action more vulnerable to the group of other people or all other people who are in the society. The accepted method for them is to unrest the activities of the civilized society by make destructions to the life and developmental activities of the government. World has faced such major social disasters, and the attack and the destruction of World Trade Center in America was the very commonly known example for this. The impact of such violent activity leads to economic crisis in banking and industrial sectors, engineering and developmental set backs in th e areas of communication and information sectors, social imbalances like unemployment, poverty, post terror trauma among women and children, etc. The term "terrorism" comes from the Latin word terrere, "to frighten" via the French word terrorisme[1]. Terrorism expert Walter liqueur in 1999 has counted over 100 definitions and concludes that the only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence [1]. Though United Nations has not yet accepted any definition of terrorism[1, 2], the UN "academic consensus definition," written by terrorism expert Alex P.Schmid and widely used social scientists, says terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby-in contrast to assassination - the direct targets of violence are not the main targets[1]. In the history there were many terrorist attack carried out by individuals, groups, states and even the governments against the key persons or groups in the same country or other countries. The re were assassinations of world leaders or ministers, public officials or even the leaders of one terrorist group by the other terrorist groups. While individual loses causes major emotional and leadership problems in some groups and countries, the attack on buildings, bridges and other infrastructures and the projects, causing national crisis in developmental process in some countries.There are different kinds of terrorist attacks which are mainly targeting people and the developmental structures in a state or country. While guns, bombs, etc. are used as common tools, biological weapons can cause massive outbreak of diseases and health problems in the society and cyber terrorism can hamper the communication and banking systems. The effect of any major terrorist attack is severe, causing the community in to despair. Lose of businesses, jobs, and life and health trauma to the close victims of incidents. Financial lose, banking and communication system crash, lose of documents and pro perty and further psychological crisis for survival, etc. are severe.Out of all the terrorist attacks in the history, the attack on World Trade Center in U.S. on September 11, 2001, has caused severe shock in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nature of Health Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature of Health Information - Essay Example Patient-specific needs such as a centralized list of current HCPs per patient, institution-specific needs such as a means of telling if these HCPs are on call, and domain-specific needs such as disease management with prescribing information are just some of the needs of physicians. For nurses, on the other hand, they have simpler information needs than the physicians. In patient-specific information, availability of patient diagnoses and laboratory results are needed. Institution-specific needs such as policies, protocols and census reports are also listed. Finally, domain-specific needs, specifically drug information, diagnoses definitions, and educational materials, are indicated. In addition, nurses tend to depend more on domain-specific information such as online textbook guidelines and decisions aids than do physicians. Despite these differences, the glaring similarity is that they both want to be able to communicate and share information with other HCPs (Coiera, 2000). A centr al list of current of current HCPs per patient demands the input from the HCPs themselves. Providing their concise qualifications and credentials, as well as their contact details, may help in the use of these data for knowing which HCPs to consult when certain medical conditions of a patient arises. However, these data should be processed such as they are well-organized, regularly updated, and easily accessible.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History &The Philosophies of Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

History The Philosophies of Enlightenment Essay The Enlightenment, also named the Age of reason, was an era for the period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The term â€Å"Enlightenment† also specifically talks about a rational movement. Moreover, this movement provided a basis for the American and French Revolutions. During this period, philosophers started to realize that by using reason they can find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Enlightenment philosophers believed that all human beings should have freedom of religion and speech. Furthermore, they wanted to have a government of their own and a right to vote. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were two very important philosophical thinkers of their time. John Locke was a prominent thinker from England, and Thomas Hobbes is perhaps the most complete materialist philosopher of the 17th century. John Locke believed that people are good, and they should have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property but Thomas Hobbs main focus was how human beings can live together in peace and evade the danger and fear of civil war. John Locke (1634-1704) was one of the most significant and powerful philosophers during the Enlightenment era. Both the French Enlightenment and Founding Fathers of the American Revolution drew on his thoughts. John Locke suggested that the human mind was a tabula rasa (blank slate). There were no innate ideas known from birth by all people and society forms people’s mind. Since all people share the same undeveloped usual features, people are all equal and they determine their liberty. Locke said all human beings are equal expect women and Negroes because they are closer to the state of nature therefore they are less civilized and this led to the American Revolution. Lockes most important work of political philosophy was the Two Treatises on Government. He argued that the power of the king is derived from the people, each person has a right to hold property, and if ruler takes this property from people without their own permission, people can depose and resist him. . Thomas Hobbes is another philosopher in 17th century who argued that people were naturally wicked and could not be trusted to govern. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was born in London. He finished his college education at Oxford University in England, where he studied classics. Hobbes was English philosopher, scientist, and historian, best known for his political  philosophy, especially as expressed in his masterpiece Leviathan. In his boos he described the â€Å"state of nature† where all persons were naturally equal. He said that people are frightened of violent death, and every single human on the planet has a right to protect him/herself in any way possible. He assumed that its in people’s best interest to avoid war. Moreover, he believed that life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Although John Locke and Thomas Hobbes do have some similarities, they have different opinions about most of their political arguments. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two of the great political theorists of their time. Both created great philosophical texts that help to describe their opinions about man’s state of nature in addition to the role of government in man’s life. Both of them believed in individualism. Two years after the end of the English Civil War, Thomas Hobbes published Leviathan. He believed people had a good personality, if they were left to their own plans, life would become â€Å"a solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.† He said if people give some of their freedom, they can have a harmless life. He believed people are always in competition with each other for the best food, shelter, money, and so on. Hobbes supposed the best way to protect citizens would be to have a sovereign that is threatening and supreme. . Lockes view of the state of nature says that humans have limits as to what people should or should not do. In contrast to Hobbes, Locke believed that humans are generally nice to one another, and we will not bother one another. Therefore, in Lockes state of nature, humans are peaceful. Locke believed that people had the basic principles needed for a civilized society, so they were allowed to have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property. Locke believed rather than each person being equally at risk of death, each person was equally free and sovereign. The Enlightenment was an era of free thinking and individualism. Different philosophers had enormous role in this era. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were philosophers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Both philosophers had very strong views on freedom and how a country should be governed. Hobbes had more of a negative view on freedom while Lockes opinions are more positive. Work Cited FernaÃŒ ndez Armesto, Felipe. The Exchange Of Enlightenments: Eighteenth Century Thought. The World : A History. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2010. 738-65. Print. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on John Locke (1634–1704).† SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013 SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679).† SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Further Celebration in the Hall :: Essays Papers

Further Celebration in the Hall It is a cold, dark night when Beowulf enters the great hall carrying the head of the treacherous Grendel . He has defeated both the beast and his mother, so the Danes rejoice upon seeing their hero alive. They all listen eagerly as Beowulf tells his amazing tale of glory. He credits his success to God, saying that he would not have survived "if God had not guarded" him (Norton 48). Hrunting, the sword he has brought to battle, has failed him because Grendel's mother has bewitched all swords so that they can not harm her. Luckily, fate has led him to "see hanging on the wall a fair, ancient great sword" (48) with which he defeats the powerful woman. Once he has slain the monster, the sword mysteriously melts, leaving him with only the golden hilt to bring back to his Lord. After hearing this great tale, King Hrothgar speaks. He is especially pleased with Beowulf's success, as he no longer has to live in fear for his kingdom. Through his speech, he congratulates Beowulf and advises him with words of wisdom. Hrothgar cautions the almighty warrior to beware of his pride by not allowing it to swell, due to his glory. He tells a tale about the notorious King Heremod who is blessed with everything--money, power, strength, and glory: Until his portion of pride increases and swells within him; then the watcher sleeps, the soul's guardian; that sleep is too sound, bound in its own cares, and the slayer most near whose bow shoots treacherously. . . he cannot protect himself. . . angry-hearted he covets. . . and then he forgets and regards not his destiny because of what God, wielder of heaven, has given him . . . In the end it happens in turn that the loaned body weakens, falls doomed; another takes the earl's ancient treasure, one who recklessly gives precious gifts does not fearfully guard them (49). From this speech, parallels can be drawn between Beowulf and Hrothgar. Hrothgar states that he "ruled the Ring-Danes for a hundred half-years" (49), and in the second part of the tale, it is revealed that Beowulf also reigns as a wise King for fifty years. In his speech, Hrothgar's reference to the "loaned body" and the "earl's ancient treasure" directly relate to "The Last Survivor's Speech" in the second part of Beowulf. It is this later revelation that connects Beowulf with "The Wanderer." Click on the picture to the right for a closer look at the passages that clearly show the parallel between Beowulf and "The Wanderer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Freudian Analysis of Voltaires Candide Essay -- Candide Voltaire F

A Freudian Analysis of Voltaire's Candide      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud refers to the important role that love plays in the world of Man. Love certainly plays an important role in Voltaire's Candide; throughout Candide's journeys, a constant factor is his love for Lady Cunegonde and his desire to be with her. Freud writes "the way of life which makes love the centre of everything [...] comes naturally to all of us," (Freud, p. 29). Candide's love for Cunegonde is the driving force of his life from the moment they are parted at the beginning of the novel until they are bonded in marriage at the end. Throughout his experiences, Candide continues to think about Cunegonde. Even after narrowly surviving the Bulgar-Abar war, Candide's thoughts are still about Cunegonde (Voltaire, p. 26). "We are never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our love object," (Freud, p. 29). Man is never more vulnerable as when the person he has chosen as the object of his love is taken from him. When Candide is at Eldorado, where no-one goes hungry or has any needs which go unfulfilled, he tells his companion Cacambo, "'I shall never be happy without Lady Cunegonde,'" (Voltaire, p. 82). Candide found, it would seem, the one place on Earth where there is no suffering from poverty, war, or injustice. He and Cacambo could have lived long and fulfilling lives in Eldorado, but Candide insists on returning to his beloved Cunegonde. When Candide and Cunegonde are at last reunited, Cunegonde asks Candide "[what] has happened to you since that innocent kiss you gave me?" (Voltaire, p. 40). The kiss, which Cunegonde describes as innocent, cost Candide dearly; her brother the Baron "drove Candide from the house w... largely responsible for our misery and we should be much happier if we gave it up and returned to primitive conditions," (Freud, p. 33). Candide realizes at the end of the novel that the formula for being content is simple: "We must go and work in the garden," (Voltaire, p. 144). When Man does not have to fight the rules of civilization, his life is a much simpler lot. Many of the points which Sigmund Freud makes in Civilization and its Discontents can be paralleled to the experiences of Candide in Voltaire's Candide. These points can also be linked with the society Man lives in today. Candide is clearly a member of Man's society and is subject to all the needs and desires described by Freud. Works Cited Sigmund Freud. Civilization_and_its_Discontents. New York: W. W. Norton and Company; 1961. Voltaire. Candide. London: Penguin Books; 1947.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Sociology Evaluation of Method

One good aspect that my method had was that it allowed me to collect very in depth data, people were able to open up to me as it was unstructured interviews, I did have a problem with this though, as I didn't have prepared questions it was hard to compare my participants points of views afterwards and by talking so in depth about a sensitive subject like divorce things could get out of hand, one of my participants even began to cry as she became very emotional. The location to do my interviews in were varied, some were good and some were bad, one of them I had to do in my room and privacy was hard to come by. In my opinion my results are unreliable, but I believe that when talking to people about something as private as this, results will always be this as people feel awkward and don't want a stranger, or somebody from outside of the family to know their business. The participants I believe were the correct ones to interview and had enough experience and met with my criteria, the problem which I found though was that I hadn't interviewed enough; I only interviewed one of each that I wanted. I.e. ONE married couple, ONE cohabiting couple etc. If I had interviewed more people my results would have been more representative, I hadn't thought of this until after. The sampling method I used I thought was appropriate; people knew that they could confide in me and no problems arose with this. If I were to repeat this project I would defiantly change my method, I would do structured interviews as I believe that for my content and analysis it would be a lot easier to compare and that it is also possible to get in depth data this way. I would also interview more people. Evaluation of findings In relation of my first aim, to find out whether divorce on the increase is really seen as a negative aspect of today's society I found that people do take divorce less seriously than before but they don't give it less importance, I know this because nearly all of the couples I interviewed seemed slightly scared of divorce but would mostly consider it, I have found that, on contrary to my beliefs people don't rush into marriages and just get divorced when they find that marriage isn't what they expected, couples nowadays tend to cohabit first so that when they do get divorced they know it is the right thing to do, and the only way out. They cohabit to test their relationship, in order to avoid divorce. Some couples do not marry because of the threat of divorce. I found that people who are more religious see divorce as a problem. I also found that people feel divorce can affect mental health, respondents stated that divorce is not good for your health. The reasons given for the rise of divorce including the fact that marriages are now based of love rather than expectations and the changing role of women. In relation to my second aim, to find out the main reason for more divorces I found that most people believe that it is due to women having more independence, less sexism. This was the one and only thing that all my participants had in common. My findings were similar to previous studies in this area such as Robert Chester who found that nuclear families would never stop existing; he found that families would just change their forms. By having divorces this is what happens, children don't just stop having one of their parents, they still have both, the way in which families tend to be perceived just changes, cohabiting couples are on the up and so is divorce. People see divorce as something negative and positive at the same time, it affects you in both ways and people realise this, they also know that divorce can give them a second start in life when most of their hope is gone. What was interesting about my project was that I was able to research on something that causes hundreds and thousands of people heartbreak and depression everyday but is also seen as normal, I learnt a lot from doing this project, I used to think that people were just careless and got married and divorced as if it doesn't mean a thing, I've found that this is not the case, although more people are getting divorced it doesn't mean that more people are getting married, people stand up for themselves more nowadays, and despite my previous beliefs people DO see divorce as a problem, but also as something positive. By doing this project I have learnt a lot.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corporation Essay

Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corp. (MPBC), located in Dallas, is a wholesale distributor of bicycles and bicycle parts. Formed in 1981 by cousins Ray Martin and Jim Pullin, the firm’s primary retail outlets are located within a 400-mile radius of the distribution center. These retail outlets receive the order from Martin-Pullin within two days after notifying the distribution center, provided that the stock is available. However, if an order is not fulfilled by the company, no backorder is placed; the retailers arrange to get their shipment from other distributors, and MPBC loses that amount of business. The company distributes a wide variety of bicycles. The most popular model, and the major source of revenue to the company, is the AirWing. MPBC receives all the models from a single manufacturer overseas, and shipment takes as long as four weeks from the time an order is placed. With the cost of communication, paperwork, and customs clearance included, MPBC estimates that each time an order is placed, it incurs a cost of $65. The purchase price paid by MPBC, per bicycle, is roughly 60% of the suggested retail price for all the styles available, and the inventory carrying cost is I % per month (12% per year) of the purchase price paid by MPBC. The retail price (paid by the customers) for the AirWing is $170 per bicycle. MPBC is interested in making an inventory plan for 2011. The firm wants to maintain a 95% service level with its customers to minimize the losses on the lost orders. The data collected for the past two years are summarized in the following table (Table 1). A forecast for AirWing model sales in the upcoming year 2011 has been developed and will be used to make an inventory plan for MPBC. Figure 1. QM output for given data. To keep the total costs as low as possible, the optimal order quantity should be maintained. This means an average inventory of 34.14. The Annual Setup cost and Annual Holding cost would both be $417,89. As a result, the total annual inventory cost is $835.78 (2 x 417.89). Discuss ROPs and total costs To determine the Reorder Point (ROP), the demand and the demand standard  deviation must be known. The demand is determined by dividing the total of the 2011 forecast by the number of months and the standard deviation is determined using Microsoft Excel. Figure 2. QM output for ROP As a result of the sum of the Demand standard deviation and the safety stock, the ROP is 76.89 which the inventory position at which an order should be placed. The total costs can be found in Figure 1. Annual inventory holding cost plus annual setup cost plus purchase cost gives the total cost of $45613.79. How can you address demand that is not at the level of the planning horizon According to the sample date, the determined demand shows there is not a so called level demand over the planning horizon. Therefore, the EOQ for an entire year should not be used due to seasonal sales. A planning horizon to use might be a quarterly planned horizon because this would be more evenly distributed and help make a plan for each segment. Reference Render, B., Stair, R. M., & Hanna, M. E. (2012). Quantitative analysis for management (11th edition). Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Service Organization

One gets good friends and a good wife by the grace of God! Friendship to sprout and grow properly needs certain favorable situations. However my friendship with my guests of the day for this special brunch happened and developed under strange circumstances. God brought them together and united them in prison; in the barracks; in the common ward! How indeed does destiny work, when it decides to do something for the welfare of an individual! They were all young – more or less of equal age. Like any youngster, they too wished to get rich quickly. Is it possible to become so by doing sundry jobs or working in road-side eateries?No, not at all! So they had the holy beginning of their career by taking to pick-pocketing; then they switched over to chain-snatching; but all efforts proved futile–even house-breaking proved to be of no avail, for they could not attain the reasonable standard of living. They wished to do something fruitful and result-oriented – definitely, f or that, they picked up the latest in the line–stealing cars! Indeed they did brisk business and promptly landed in jail – for identical crimes! Destiny chased them again! Coming and going out of the jail became their routine, and their friendship deepened.But they were waiting for the rare opportunity, when they all would be out of the jail at the same time. Destiny obliged them again! When all of them were out of the jail, they decided, â€Å"The time has arrived for us to strike big! Enough of local cars! † Their eyes fell on a Mercedes car, but their patch of bad luck had just commenced – call it their inexperience or the reverse gear for their luck! The first Mercedes they stole belonged to the Chief Secretary of Home Department.. The police — If they will, they have the ability to recover a stolen needle also.Within four hours of the theft, the Chief Secretary was comfortably seated in the air-conditional comfort of his own car – and o ur friends in the jail-cell, badly beaten and bruised! They went through a quick trial and were promptly awarded three years rigorous imprisonment! It was during this period that I got an opportunity to interact with them. I was the volunteer with a Service Organization, that looked after the mental health of the prison inmates and somehow I took instant liking for these four friends. I am good at teaching spirituality to others, and listening to my counseling, they got an opportunity to think deep!. â€Å"On release from the prison, we should also live like any other citizen of the country by giving up the path of crime†. Of late, they had heard of many such stories of ‘transformation’– A gold-smuggler of international repute in that line for two decades after completing his five year jail sentence, bought a plot of land at Mumbai, and started the legitimate profession of building, buying, and selling residential/commercial flats. He then earned so much m oney within two years that he deeply regretted, â€Å"Why I wasted decades of my life in gold- smuggling! This line is more lucrative than gold-smuggling†, he emphatically opined!Each of the four friends had some ‘hard-earned’ savings securely deposited in a foreign bank, notorious for maintaining the secrecy of its important clientele. They all decided to be businessmen by buying shops in a row in a shopping centre, and engage in different trades! Grocery, Electrical Appliances, Photo Studio and Bakery– the plans to open these four shops were finalized. After establishing the businesses, all of them would marry and lead the respectable life of house-holders. They would lead an ideal life, remain good friends, excellent neighbors, and live like members of one family.They discussed and agreed on several such high ideals of life and living. But they imposed a strict condition on themselves. They will never enter into a day-to- day discussion about business m atters. Exactly after one year, they will review the matter – whether they should continue in business or revert to the old profession! They would pursue that vocation which would be more profit-giving and more happiness-providing! Presently what they decided was: They should live with mutual co-operation. They should remain honest among themselves. But, nobody should interfere in the other’s business dealings!â€Å"How soon would you come again? † the Jail Superintendent asked them good-humouredly, on the day of their release from the jail. â€Å"Respected Sir, let this be our last meeting behind the bars. Thank you for your co-operation. Please bless us,† said the friends in unison. On the day of their release, I had a heart to heart talk with them. I will invite them for a treat, exactly after one year to know about their moral ascendancy, and today’s brunch was the result of that gentleman promise! They walked out to their freedom. They bought four shops in a row, in a suburb of Mumbai.On an auspicious day, Grocery shop of Rex, Electrical Appliances shop of Alex, Photo Studio of Tom and Bakery of Sam were opened. From day one, they did reasonable business. But sometimes, when they recalled the adventures of their past-lives, they felt tempted by their old profession. But, according to the mutual understanding, they had to carry on and push the business-cart, at least for one year. After about a month, Rex thought that Alex was doing brisk business. â€Å"If I continue to live with honest dealings for one year, what if I forget my past expertise! † he feared.â€Å"I must do something to at least maintain the level of that expertise,† he surmised! But, suddenly he remembered about the promise he made to his friends to remain honest for one year! But Rex failed to control his mind! â€Å"I must do something. This is the question of my future† – Rex had arrived at a decision! When Alex was not in h is shop, bidding his time, Rex was on his action plan. A copper wire connected Alex’s electrical meter with that of Rex. He had to drill a small hole through the thick wall separating their shops. He did it so efficiently and the concealed wiring was done so nicely that nobody could notice it.From that instant, Alex owned electrical bill of Rex. â€Å"I now save about fifty dollars a month,† he surmised. He was overjoyed! In the third month, when Sam purchased a second-hand car, it set Alex thinking! He too didn’t want to forget his past skills for his secure future! Sam used to park his car at a particular place. Alex dug a tunnel in his shop and the mouth of the subterraneous passage he created, opened right below the petrol tank of the car. He drilled a hole to the petrol tank and fixed a rubber pipe that brought the petrol directly into the waiting container at his shop.He made perfect arrangements for opening and closing the petrol-donating hole of the tank . As soon as Sam parked his car, Alex profited by a liter of petrol daily – gain of about 75 dollars a month. Alex was happy thus! In the fourth month, when Tom got his new telephone connection, Sam thought on similar lines. He lost no time to react. Keenly intelligent as he was, he quickly fixed the ‘pair’ for his newly acquired ‘instrument’, only through Tom’s authorized telephone connection. Since he had the telephone facility now, he renewed his contacts with some of his old friends at distant cities.Of course, he kept his instrument at a secret and a sound-proof corner that he specially created in his shop for the purpose. In the sixth month, Tom was restless. He felt a sense of insecurity even in his dreams! He felt, â€Å"All my friends are progressing and I am left far behind! † He knew the habit of his gluttonous friend Rex. He used to drink a liter of milk and lots of curd daily. A milkman brought milk for him very early in th e morning at 5†² O clock in a special can. He would keep the can on an elevated stand, press the door bell, and disappear into the darkness. Tom purchased an identical can.Everyday, he used to keep his can ready and one liter of water. He replaced this can with the original can of the milkman by pouring one liter of milk in his can. This he did in seconds! There was visible glow on the countenance of Tom—of course, by drinking 30 liters of fresh milk a month, at the cost his dear friend Rex! A year rolled by! The time had now arrived for their annual meeting at my house. I had made excellent reparations for the brunch at their request. All of them had made the joint request that I must serve them that tasteless dal and hard wheat cakes, which they used to eat in the jail!They had eaten so much of it, their internal organs could never forget the taste of that prison stuff! I had to make special arrangements by requesting another jail-bird(since released) who was in the co oking department in the prison I initiated their discussion. Who would give the account of his honest living for the last one year? Then, thus spoke Rex, â€Å"Tom is the youngest amongst us. We are all like his elder brothers. Let us hear his honest thoughts. His views– Tom dear, please speak first. † Tom was overwhelmed to hear the loving words of Rex for the trust he enjoyed with his friends! â€Å"Did I cheat such divine friends?† thought Tom, and he could control himself no more! Tears gushed down from his eyes. In an instant, Tom lay prostrate at the feet of Rex. He gave a detailed account of his misdeed, sobbing intermittently. He gave a solemn promise that he would remain honest at all times and at all costs. Looking at the never ending torrent of tears, Rex, Alex, and Sam–all of them confessed to their crimes and unleashed an uncontrollable crying session! Competition in rhythmic crying! Then Tom owned the difficult responsibility of controlling them! I too lent a helping hand to Tom, to console them! Thereafter, they ate the jail-like stuff, like gluttons!From that day onwards, they really commenced living an honest life–The telephone wire was cut; the meter wire was pulled out; the tunnel was filled with sand; the milk remained unadulterated! â€Å"What is there in the life of crime? If you wish to earn money and become prosperous, enter into business activity†, they used to advise their former prison-inmates since released. Yes, Rex, Alex, Tom & Sam are leading an honest life. They are counted amongst the rich businessmen now. They don’t brag about their rags to riches story. They don’t discuss money matters with anyone at all! For, none of them is paying income tax!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advanced research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Advanced research methods - Essay Example Some individuals are more susceptible to stresses than others. Individuals that are often stressed may have built up some form of a tolerance enabling them to work better under the stress and elevated cortisol than others. Further limitations of this study include the small sample size. In addition the research study does not determine the possible long term effects of individuals administered cortisone and the effects on the memory. Although the research demonstrated that individuals given higher doses (in this situation specifically women) were shown to have a decrease in short term memory the research does not assess the dose given and possible variables that could alter the results. Among these variables are certain psychological conditions such as anxiety, clinical depression, schizophrenia and thyroid problems. All of these psychological conditions can alter the way the individual perceives the stresses associated with high cortisone levels. Researchers also fail to establish i f participants are taking medication. Medication can affect the way cortisol effects the participants. In order to address these limitations in the study I proposed a further research be done in the form of a new study. I hypothesize that cortisol will decrease immediate memory performance but will yield long term memory increases for neutral stimuli. In this study the dependent variables is the cortisol the participant received. The independent variable will be the dosage of cortisol that was administered to the participant dependent upon the group (15mgs, 20mgs, 25mgs, 30mgs). Participants will be measured in 8x2 groups of 20 in two different conditions. One group will view fifty non-emotive pictures. The second group will be read a detailed story. The groups will be further divided into groups of ten through random assignment. When the participant takes the test is dependent upon which group of ten the participant is in. The

Monday, October 7, 2019

Community Map Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Community Map - Essay Example Each map misses something important as when I compare my map with that of my neighbors I realize that I forget to draw a lot of stuff, but it does not matter because it shows how each of us envision our community (Glenn, 2004). It also shows how each person expresses his or her own interpretation of a community on his or her map. In my community, my neighbors are very close to one another because the majority of us are Haitians, which makes us strong. We speak of the similarity of language, eat same food and dress the same way. In contrary, we do not support each other as they do in Haiti. I personally did my own research about community economics. In order for a community to be powerful, each of us must practice group economics that means patronize each other businesses so our money can be osculated within our community. An example is, we need to control more businesses and resources in our community instead of having someone else that comes from a different community that has a different culture ruling all of us (Glenn, 2004). We can buy out politicians or at least rent them out so they can implement a new law that would benefit us in the long run. Anybody thinks by voting you automatically control your politicians; you are delusional. By having a business in your community, you can afford to write a cheque to your local politicians and support them in their next campaign (Glenn, 2004). Next time you decide to ask for a favor, someone you would be ready to answer to your